¿Quién no ve ciertos productos que enamoran y no pueden conseguir en ese momento por el motivo que sea? Yo no soy ni más ni menos que el resto de vosotr@s por lo que también tengo mi pequeña gran lista de cosillas por las que voy "ahorrando" y pretendo conseguir a corto o largo plazo.
- M.A.C
Base Studio Fix Fluid, NW20Base Face & Body Foundation, N1Lipstick Angel //Frost- Lipstick Candy Yum Yum //Matte
- Lipstick Rebel //Satin
LipstickImpassioned //AmplifiedLipstickPure Zen //Cremesheen- Lipstick Creme Cup //Cremesheen
- Lipstick Creme d'Nude //Cremesheen
- Lipstick Peach Blossom //Cremesheen
- Lipstick Speak Louder //Cremesheen
- LipstickRabishing //Cremesheen
- Lipstick Lovelorn //Lustre
- Lipstick Snob //Satin
- Lipstick Faux //Satin
- Lipstick Up the Amp //Amplified
- Lipstick Girl About Town //Amplified
- Lipstick Blankety //Amplified
- Lipstick Kinda Sexy //Matte
- Lipstick Fast Play AA2 //Cremesheen
- Lipstick Please Me //Matte
- Lipstick Sunny Seoul //Cremesheen
LipstickPink Pearl Pop//Cremesheen- Lipstick Fabby//Frost
- Lipstick Hue //Glace
LipstickViva Glam Nicki //SatinLipstickPatisserie //Lustre- Lipstick Lady Danger //Matte
LipstickRuby Woo //Matte- Lipstick Saint Guermain //Creme
- Lipstick Vegas Volt //Amplified
LipstickChatterbox //Amplified- Lipstick Pink Nouveau //Satin
LipstickCosta Chic //Frost- Lipstick Full of Seoul
- Lipstick Kyoto Kiss
LipstickAltered Beige (Temperature Rising) //LustreLipstickSushi Kiss (All about the orange) [Lineal fijo] //SatinLipstickFlamingo (All about the orange) [Lineal fijo] //Lustre- Lipstick Steady Going //Retro Matte
Lipstick Flat Out Fabulous //Retro Matte- Lipstick Runway Hit //Retro Matte
LipstickSiren Song (Aquatic alluring) //Lustre- Lipstick Diva //Matte
Polvos Mineralize Skinfinish Natural, MediumPaint Pot PainterlyPaint Pot Bare Study- Paint Pot Constructivist
- Paint Pot Let's Skate
- Paint Pot Chilled on Ice
- Paint Pot Let Me Pop
- Paint Pot Chrome Angel
- Paint Pot Perky
- Lime Crime
- Geradium
- Aiborne Unicorn
- No She Didn't
- New York City
- Mint to Be
- Coquette
- Babette
- Nars
Bronzer LagunaBlush Orgasm- Blush Mata Hari
- Blush Gilda
- Blush Desire
- Urban Decay
Naked Basics- Naked
- Naked 2
Naked 3- Sleek
- i Divine Acid
- i Divine Au Naturel
i Divine Oh So Speciali Divine Bad Girl- i Divine Original
- i Divine Primer Palette
i Divine Snapshots- i Divine Storm
- i Divine Sparkle 2
- i Divine Sunset
- i Divine Ultra Matte V1
- i Divine Ultra Matte V2
i Divine Lagoon (Aqua Coleccion)i Divine Candy (Candy Coleccion)i-Divine Vintage (Romance Collection)- i-Divine (Celestial Collection)
- i-Divine (Rio Collection)
- i-Divine Eden Garden
Blush Mirrored Pink (Aqua Coleccion)Blush Antique (Romance Collection)- Blush Flamingo
Blush Pixie PinkBlush Pomegranate- Blush Coral
- Blush Flushed
- Blush Sahara
Blush Rose Gold- Blush Suede
- Blush Sunrise
- Blush Life's Peach
Blush by 3 Sweets Cheeks (Candy Coleccion)Pout Paint Lol-Lip-Pop (Candy Collection)- Pout Paint Milkshake
- Pout Paint Pin Up
- Pout Paint Peek a Bloo
- Pout Paint Pinkini
- Pout Paint Port
- Pout Paint Rosette
- Pout Paint Peachy Keen
- Pout Paint Mauve Over
- Pout Paint Lava
- Pout Paint Cloud 9
- Pout Paint Minx
- Maybelline
Color Tatto 05 Eternal GoldColor Tatto 15 Endless Purple- Color Tatto 20 Turquoise Forever
- Color Tatto 35 On and Bronze
Color Tatto 50 Eternal Silver- Color Tatto 60 Timeless Black
Color Tatto 65 Pink GoldColor Tatto 70 Metallic Pomegranate- Videocácara
- JVC GZ EX215WEU Blanca
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